Thursday, May 27, 2010

Musings on Manners..

I don't claim to be perfect. Truly, I don't. I know I am far from it. I also don't claim to be any sort of expert on formal manners, nor a historian on the matter.What I do know, however, is that it thoroughly pisses me off when people show a blatant disregard for etiquette and social graces. And honestly, it vexes me even more when people are clueless about what they are doing. At least you can call someone who is aware of their bad behaviour an asshole. What do you call people who do rude things without knowing that it's rude? Can there be such an instance? I think so. And it's baffling! All you want to do is call them stupid, but is that a fair judgment?

Just last night going home a couple were sitting right at the back of the bus. It was a fairly full bus - there were no empty rows left (you had to sit next to someone), except for one two-seater row right in front of the couple. As I moved to the back of the bus, heading towards the empty row, I realized there was a reason nobody had sat there. The couple had placed their two shopping bags on the seats. SHOPPING BAGS. They made no signs of moving the bags as people approached and I was forced to squish beside them while their bags got a roomy and comfortable trip home.

Now, these people were clearly a clueless example. They did not seem to notice that they were doing anything wrong.

This brings me to my question of the day. The couple were some kind of Eastern European (Polish, I think.) Now, I'm Eastern European myself, and though not Polish, I've been to Poland.. and bus etiquette did not exist when I was there! Could it be minor culture clash? But, is this an excuse? Just because your action may be acceptable somewhere else, does that make it acceptable here when many would consider it rude? Or am I forced to adjust what I consider bad etiquette? Am I too sensitive? Get pissed off too easily? Probably. But are the manners that I learned growing up not relevant or viable anymore?

Are social graces and good manners an archaic thought these days? Something to think about.

Of course I do rude things! I break the rules of good manners more than I should.. and I am definitely one of those assholes who know that they are doing it!

Here are some of my most frequent etiquette sins:
1. I ALWAYS listen to my iPod too loud on the subway. EVERY time (I do, however, turn it down if asked.)
2. I gossip more than I should.
3. I am a very loud drunk. Especially on my way home.
4. I check my Blackberry in places I shouldn't.
5. I flip people off and swear at stupid people while in the car. And I don't even drive. (No doubt I will share some instances with you later on.)

Obviously I could go on, but I won't. I have to keep some face, don't I?