Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And let there be light..

My first post may have given the impression that I have no faith in humanity and think that manners have died off completely. But that's really not the case. I KNOW there are lots of polite people out there. Deep down I know this. And I do meet them all the time. I try to surround myself with them. But it's just so easy to notice all of the barbarous creatures in day-to-day life. In fact, today on the train home my classmates and I viewed some golden examples of social disgraces (and we sure did make some angry faces), but that's for another post. Today, I'm going to give a nod to the positives I've seen.. and thank jebus!

This weekend at work I saw something while eating lunch that truly warmed my heart. A father sat down with his two small children and was teaching them to always say "please" and "thank you" and to make sure to always speak politely to people. I overheard him telling his son, "Don't yell, 'NO BUTTER!' Say, 'May I have no butter, please?'" And he couldn't stress enough how important this was. I thought it was so cute and uplifting. And refreshing!

Isn't it sad that I think it's refreshing? I think manners are one of the most important things that parents and family should teach their children. And I just don't think that it's done nearly enough these days. But if a family doesn't take on the responsibility is social experience enough? Are friends and school enough of a positive influence? The bitter side of me would say no. But I know that not all children grow up to be like their parents, so there's something to it.

To those of you who have shiny, good manners, where did you learn them? Parent? Family? School? Friends? Television?

All I know is that I was so happy to have witnessed the fatherly wisdom that man passed on to his children. Now, let's just hope they grow up to give up their seats on the bus to the elderly. I choose to believe they will.